. InteractML

Interactive Machine Learning Visual Scripting for Unity

InteractML brings machine learning visual scripting to Unity, empowering game creators to develop novel gameplay mechanics and control schemes without writing code. You can create ML models by joining nodes together and visualize in real-time the data from an Unity scene in the graph.

Interactive machine learning (IML) is a subfield of artificial intelligence (AI) research where users, generally non-experts, can quickly create and test ML models. These models can learn input/outputs from real-time data through human/computer examples (i.e. when the user moves his arms up-down the character swims upwards).

Create New Interfaces

Joysticks for videogames? Really? We can do more for our players. Using the power of Interactive Machine Learning, InteractML lets you control what interfaces you use as inputs and what the gestures look and feel like in your game. Let players tell you how they want to play. Set your game's interface free.

We provide a number of already made examples using different input devices, ranging from mouse/keyboard, arduinos to modern VR systems with motion tracking. You can as well pipe your own custom devices if you wish to. Anything you can send to Unity can be used in InteractML!

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    This entire project is a work in progress. We are currently in alpha release with slim documentation.

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Learn about Interactive Machine Learning

Interested in Machine Learning?

Interactml builds heavily of Rebecca Fiebrink's Wekinator project. To jumpstart your journey, you can watch videos about ML & Wekinator here. All of the concepts you will learn for the Wekinator can be applied to InteractML and vice-versa.

Get Smarter


We organise workshops, talks or game jams where we teach you about InteractML and help you create something with it. Here are some of the latest events we are running:

Get in Touch

If you want to email us, you can do so at hello at interactml.com. You can also find us on twitter at @getinteractml

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